Ticket details to come…
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
At the regular November meeting on Monday evening, the Board completed a goal-setting process and adopted the attached goals for Hawley ISD. https://5il.co/11zxs
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER for the HYA Little Dribblers 2021-2022 Basketball season!! If you need financial assistance, please call 704-400-7631. Registration is $40 per player with a $100 family limit. Each Dribbler will receive a basketball jersey and a medal. Camps will start November 30th Draft will be over Christmas break Practices will start Jan 4th Season games will start January 22nd and run to Spring Break. Register online at https://forms.gle/kyimLMkXBha1Ejwj8 Pay through Venmo at @HYA-youthathletics21 code 7161 Let's make this season a FUN and learning experience for our kiddos!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Friday Football Fun! 7:50am Pep Rally 2:20ish Send Off 7:00pm Hawley vs. Sundown in Big Spring We are the visiting team. Tickets sold at the gate.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
To allow teachers additional time to review student performance in the fall and planning for the spring semester, the 2021-22 school calendar has been changed for the last week of the semester. December 16th and 17th will no longer be student instructional days. These days will now be staff development days. We will have a regular school schedule on M-W of that week, and students will be released for the Christmas holidays at 3:40 on Wednesday, December 15.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
The HYA Little Dribblers program has a whole new group of volunteers who are eager to make this season the BEST SEASON EVER for our kiddos! Make sure to get your registrations in by 11/17 to participate! CAMPS will start 11/30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00 until 12/16. You can bring them for an hour or they can stay for 3. The purpose of the camps are to teach and master fundamentals FOR ALL AGES. We will have sign ups for those coming soon. PRACTICES will start 1/5 and will be up to each coach to schedule. They will be held in the Elementary gym and High School gyms (when available). GAMES will be on Saturdays in the High School gyms from 1/22-3/12! We can not wait to see our kiddos grow through this years program!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Football playoff information Friday November 19th 7:00 PM @ Big Spring Sundown - Home Hawley - Visitors Tickets sold at the gate
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Hawley Kiddos…We are very excited that Santa has designated Hawley ISDs Administration Office as an official Santa Letter mailing station! We have a special mail drop just for your Santa letters! The mail drop is available M-F from 7:30-4:00 on school days! Make sure you put your return address in case the elves need to send you something special in return!! Mark your calendars for December 14th. We will be having an open house from 4:00-6:00pm and Santa will be here for pictures and visits with kids! Cookies and Cocoa will also be served!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Congratulations to the Hawley Mighty Mites and Peewee teams. They will be making their first Superbowl appearance in Clyde this Saturday 10:30am and 2pm.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Tonight's game against Forsan can be viewed online at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPb_rciJhEbnSVLpoR92VGQ
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Region 1-2A Area Championship Hawley Lady Cats vs Miles TONIGHT Cooper High School 7:00 pm The team bus will be leaving at 4:30 pm. Please come out to send off these ladies and make the short drive to Cooper for the Area Championship Match.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
team photo
Register for Hawley Youth Basketball tonight at the administration building from 5:00-7:00pm. $40 registration fee.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Hawley ISD is looking to apply for an afterschool program grant for next school year. The grant would provide for tutorial and enrichment programs M-F from 3:45-6:45. Before we jump off and apply, we need to get an idea of community need, as well as interest in working the program. We do not have the staff to cover an additional 3 hours daily. If you are interested in your children attending, or in working in the program, please complete the survey below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3-tztOyE421ZEQ7ksKq2f2eQB3QDZ67wM-IFuN_rvmSNBwg/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
All ticket sales at Forsan will be at the gate!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Lady Cats Volleyball Playoff vs. Miles Thursday, November 4th 7:00pm Cooper High School
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Hawley ISD will be playing Colorado City at 7:30pm on Friday night. We would like to honor all active and retired members from all branches of the armed services by inviting you to join the team on the field for the National Anthem. Please be at the east end zone at 7:00pm to join the Bearcats!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Come visit the elementary book fair in November!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
book fair
Mark your calendar for the Hawley Elementary Veterans' Day Program! November 11th at 2:45
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Thursday @ Colorado City 4:30 - JH combo game with a 5th quarter Followed by JV game Tickets to the JH and JV games need to be purchased online at: ccity.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/27…
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Hawley Parents.. As the Halloween candy starts to pile up at your house, one parent reaches out to see if the school had any need for candy they don’t want or need. Many parents end up throwing away candy their child won’t eat. Our MS has a shoe box project every Christmas where they fill boxes with toiletries to take to homeless shelters. If you would like to bring your unwanted Halloween candy to the MS or admin office, we would love to include it in the care boxes.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer