Tickets for Thursday's football playoff game will be available online or at the gate.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Next Monday, November 14th, 1st street will be closed from Avenue E to Avenue F for paving. It will remain closed for approximately 10 days. This will cause traffic to and from the HS to be re-routed. This will cause delays and conjestion at drop-off and pick-up. When possible, please use the access road and turn by the post office when going north to the HS, rather than going down 3rd street.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Please help us in a special send-off Tuesday as the Lady Cats head to Ballinger to play Water Valley for regional volleyball quarter finals. The girls will be doing a walk through at the high school at 2:40. The bus will then make it’s way down to the elementary school. The bus will turn around in the softball parking lot so that the elementary can line the inside of playground fence. The bus should be at elementary around 2:45. The bus will then travel down 5th street and turn right at RO water and down Main Street and left on 277.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Regional Quarterfinal Volleyball Playoff Game Hawley Lady Cats (Home) and Water Valley Lady Wildcats (Visitors) Tuesday, November 8 at 6:00 at Ballinger High School. Admission is $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for students District/coaches passes accepted.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Hawley will play in the Bi-District football playoff on Thursday at 6:00 in San Angelo. We will have an early dismissal at 2:30. There will also not be an after school program on Thursday.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
The Area round of the volleyball playoffs will be played on Saturday at 4:30pm in Brownood vs Hico. The girls will be leaving at 1:00 on Saturday. There will be a send-off down the main street from 5th street to Mulebarn on 277. Come out and cheer them on!
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Here is the link to order football playoff shirts. The shirts will only be sold through the link below. The sale will end on Friday Nov. 4 at noon and the shirts will be available for pickup on Thursday Nov. 10. Hawley Football Playoff Shirts
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
The Area round of the volleyball playoffs will be played on Saturday at 4:30pm in Brownood vs Hico. Home and Visitor to be determined by the following: Final score total of the Astros/Phillies game tonight. Odd- Hico is the home team and Even- Hawley is the home team.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
We have changed over to our new system as of today in the cafeteria. You should have received a letter about how to set up your MyMealTime account. If not, go to to get set up. Also, all restrictions on the students accounts need to be reset. So please email Kelly Stofel if you want to set a daily spending limit or weekly spending limit for your child or if you want any other restrictions on their account. These DID NOT roll into the new system. Email:
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Registration for PreK-6th Grade Basketball is OPEN! Sign up dates and locations are. November 1st from 6-7pm Elementary Playground November 3rd from 6-7pm Elementary Playground November 12th from 12-2pm Hawley Admin Building We will have sample jerseys to try on for size! REGISTER ONLINE PREK-4TH UNTIL 11/18/22 5TH & 6TH GRADE UNTIL 11/4/22
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
little dribblers sign ups
Due to field conditions in Stamford, the Varsity Football Game has been postponed to tomorrow evening at 7:00pm in Stamford.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
State Cross Country Shirts The names on the roster are getting corrected. Shirts come in Bella cotton or DriFit and short or long sleeve. Short sleeve shirts are $20 Long sleeve shirts are $25 Please contact Kathy Olney 3252322205 to order a shirt. All shirt orders are due by Friday, October 28 at noon.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
We are in the process of changing point of sale companies in the cafeteria. The new company will be taking over as of November 1st. There are a few things you need to know in order to prepare for the change. The current MySchoolBucks system will be going away and we will be changing to a new MyMealTime portal. If you need to add money to your students account please do so BEFORE October 25th. As of October 25th MySchoolBucks will be shut off. This will allow us enough time to ensure we get the money deposited onto your students account before the changeover. More information will be coming soon on how to set up your new MyMealTime accounts! The cool thing about the new system is that your payments will INSTANTLY be available for your students to use. No more waiting 24 hours for a payment to post. All student balances will be transferred over to the new system on October 31st after all lunches have been processed. Your child's pin number that they enter when eating lunch will be changing. We are going to make the Student ID that our Student Software System generates for your student be their pin number. The Student ID is a longer number (6 digits). However, in the future we plan to have ID cards that students will simply scan instead of typing in their number. So this is in preparation for that change as well. We will be communicating the new Student ID numbers to parents and teachers closer to November 1st to help not confuse the kids. With the new system you will be able to complete a lunch application online! No more paper forms unless you prefer it that way. If we have an email on file for you then the new system will email you alerts when your child's account gets low. No more sending home paper letters to get lost in transit. These will be automatically generated and go out nightly based on when your child's account gets to the trigger point.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
National School Lunch Week is coming up! Here is all the information. Please complete the google doc below if you plan to come eat with your kiddo!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
lunch schedule
For THURSDAY's MS and JV games IN Colorado City, you must buy tickets online at the link below. This is FOR THURSDAY ONLY. Our homecoming tickets for Friday will be sold at the gate like always.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Don't forget school pictures tomorrow and early release on Friday!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Friday Night Game Change.. Abilene Wylie High School 7:30 Kickoff All Tickets will be sold at the gate
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Hawley Parents…Thank you all for your help for such a great start to the school year. I think we are getting most of the wrinkles ironed out. Drop-off and pick-up seem to be smoother. Secondary schedules seem to be settling. I wanted to take a minute to ask you to remember how important it is to communicate with your child’s teachers and coaches, if you have concerns or questions. They should be your first point of contact. If you do not find the solution or answers you are seeking, you can speak with the campus administration. Finally, if you are unable to reach a solution, you are welcome to contact my office. Please remember that all of the staff at Hawley ISD have email addresses that are linked on the district website. All teachers have a 45-minute conference period that is dedicated for returning phone calls, emails, and parent conferences. Please remember that most school employees are here from 7:40-4:00. Many have morning or afternoon responsibilities. Their conference period may be the only time they have to return messages. Our teachers go above and beyond for our kids, and many of them put it a tremendous amount of time and effort outside of the school day. I ask that you honor their time and commitment to our kids. These teachers and administrators have families and commitments outside of school, as well. They cannot always respond outside of school hours, and we do not expect that they are available to parents and students at all hours. Please use their school email, remind, or school phone to contact them.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
I am often asked questions this time of year about our enrollment and our growth. As of today, Hawley ISD has 809 students. Our first day of school last year, we had 727. We have seen, and expect to continue to see, pretty steady increase in enrollment in our elementary and middle school grades. Moving forward, we are facing challenges with classroom space. We also are facing new school safety regulations and state level requirements. I would like to have some community input on how we can utilize our facilities and make safety and capacity improvements to meet those needs. I would love a diverse group of people, especially with some representation from some of you who have been in the community for a long time. Some of you have a wealth of knowledge about our old buildings that many of our staff just do not have. If you would be interested and willing to help serve on this group, please complete the sign up for below. Please help me spread the work to the community.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer
Come Join Our Team! Hawley ISD is looking for a few people to join our team for the 2022-23 school year! Kindergarten Teacher’s Aide Elementary Custodian Cafeteria Custodian Salary Based on Experience 100% Employer Paid Health Insurance Coverage with TRS Primary Opportunities for Overtime through the Afterschool Program To apply, go to
over 2 years ago, Dr. Cassidy McBrayer