Click the links below to enter a request for time off. Complete the form and pay close attention to what you select for the “reason for absence”. It is recommended that you always use LOCAL days first. State days transfer to another district, and can be used when you retire to purchase service credits if you have accumulated enough days. School Business is used for anything where you are missing work as a part of your job (coaches, trainings, etc.). Non-contract are only used by administrators on a 226 contract.
If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during the school year PLEASE CONTACT THE BUSINESS OFFICE. You will want to start planning ahead.
Elementary Staff Absence Request Form
Middle School Staff Absence Request Form
High School Staff Absence Request Form
Administration/Maintenance/Cafeteria Absence Request Form
If you have questions about how to enter leave, contact Kim Meyer.
State Sick Leave
State sick leave accumulated before 1995 is available for use and may be transferred to other school districts in Texas. State sick leave may be used for the following reasons only:
● Employee illness
● Illness in the employee’s immediate family
● Family emergency (i.e., natural disasters or life-threatening situations)
● Death in the immediate family
● Active military service
Local Leave
All employees shall earn three paid local leave days per school year in accordance with administrative regulations. Local leave shall accumulate to a maximum of 15 leave days. Local leave shall be used according to the terms and conditions of state personal leave.
Professional Leave
Professional leave is taken for the purpose of fulfilling your job responsibilities. This type of leave would be used for trainings, or for sponsors/coaches leaving for an event.
State law entitles all employees to five days of paid personal leave per year. Personal leave is available for use at the beginning of the year. A day of personal leave is equivalent to the number of hours per day in an employee’s usual assignment, whether full-time or part-time. State personal leave accumulates without limit, is transferable to other Texas school districts, and generally transfers to education service centers. Personal leave may be used for two general purposes: nondiscretionary and discretionary.
Nondiscretionary. Leave taken for personal or family illness, family emergency, a death in the family, or active military service is considered nondiscretionary leave. Reasons for this type of leave allow very little, if any, advance planning. Nondiscretionary may be used in the same manner as state sick leave.
Discretionary. Leave taken at an employee’s discretion that can be scheduled in advance is considered discretionary leave. An employee wishing to take discretionary personal leave must submit a request to his or her principal or supervisor 5 days in advance of the anticipated absence. The effect of the employee’s absence on the educational program or department operations, as well as the availability of substitutes, will be considered by the principal or supervisor.
Leave Proration. If an employee separates from employment with the district before his or her last duty day of the year, or begins employment after the first duty day, state personal leave will be prorated based on the actual time employed. When an employee separates from employment before the last duty day of the school year, the employee’s final paycheck will be reduced by the amount of state personal leave the employee used beyond his or her pro rata entitlement for the school year.
Sick Leave Bank (or Pool)
•The purpose of the sick leave pool is to provide additional sick leave days to members of the bank in the event of catastrophic illness, surgery, or disability due to illness or injury. Members only may request days from the bank after they have exhausted all of their accumulated local and state leave days.
•Any employee who is eligible to join may do so by contributing 2 of their accrued or anticipated local sick leave days. An employee desiring to join the bank during the current school year must have earned at least 2 days of local sick leave during the current school year in order to join.
•All personnel who join the bank within the enrollment period are eligible for membership beginning with their official first day of work. All new personnel employed after the enrollment period are eligible to join the bank on their first day of employment. Such employees must join within 30 days after being employed. Employees wishing to join the bank must fill out an application and submit it to their building principal. It will be forwarded to the Business Office where eligibility will be verified.
•All school District personnel receiving local personal leave days each year are eligible for membership. Employees who are eligible to join the sick leave bank may do so by contributing two of their accrued or anticipated local personal leave days. An employee desiring to join the bank during the current school year must have earned at least two days of local personal leave during the current school year in order to join. Enrollment to join the bank shall be July 1 through September 30 of each year.
•All personnel who join the bank within the enrollment period shall be eligible for membership beginning with their first official day of work.
•All new personnel employed after the enrollment period shall be eligible to join the bank on their first day of employment. Such employees must join within 30 days after being employed. Employees wishing to join the bank must fill out an application and submit it to their building principal. The application shall be forwarded to the business office where eligibility will be verified.
•Days contributed to the sick leave bank shall be subtracted from the member's local personal leave record. The two days donated become property of the District sick leave bank and shall not be returned even upon resignation or cancellation of membership. For sick leave bank purposes, the school year shall be from September 1 through August 31 of the following year. If a member uses two or more days from the bank during this period, he or she shall be required to donate two additional days during the following year in order to maintain membership. If the member uses only one day from the bank, he or she shall be required to donate only one day to continue membership. The District shall contribute two days to the bank for each two days donated by employees for the purpose of joining the sick leave bank.
•Additional days donated to the bank to maintain membership shall not be matched by the District. If a member decides to cancel his or her membership, the days donated to the bank remain the property of the bank. If at a later date the employee wishes to rejoin the bank, an additional two days must be donated to renew the membership. An employee forfeits membership in the bank upon termination of employment for any reason.
•Upon re-employment by the District, an employee can join the bank again by donating two more local personal leave days. Personnel on leave of absence shall retain their membership in the bank and shall not be required to give additional days when they return to the District.
•Conditions known to exist at the time a member joins the bank shall not be covered.
•Individual cases concerning this matter may be brought to the sick leave bank board on an individual basis. Sick leave days may be requested from the bank for catastrophic illness, surgery, injury, or other disability. Only two days shall be granted for pregnancy. Complications from childbirth may be considered by the sick leave bank board on an individual basis. Stress-related illness shall be covered for days of hospitalization only. Days may be requested from the bank after the member has exhausted all accumulated state and local leave days. A member may apply for days from the bank after being absent from work for the number of days requested. Days shall not be given in advance. The maximum number of days an employee may be granted during a year (September 1 through August 31) per illness is 20. After an employee has used the 20 additional days and has been docked for five days, he or she may then apply for an additional ten days of sick leave.
•Each separate illness applied for must meet the initial criteria for just cause. These initial days may be granted on an individual basis if approved by the sick leave bank board. The total number of days granted per employee per year shall be thirty.
•After all possible sick leave days from all sources have been exhausted; the employee (a member of the sick leave bank) shall be docked at their daily rate.
•Employees may request days for the catastrophic illness of an immediate family member. These family members are limited to spouse, child, father, or mother. The criteria and rules for personal illness shall also cover illness of an immediate family member.
•Members shall be reimbursed for the actual number of days granted by the sick leave bank board after the sick leave bank board has approved the days.
•The business office will amend the employee's regular payroll as needed when they are informed of the number of days granted. An employee must fill out an application for the sick leave days to apply for days from the sick leave bank.
•Applications may be obtained from the superintendent's office. Additional documentation such as statements from the attending physician may be required. If a family member is critically ill or unable to obtain the form for application, the building principal or immediate supervisor may initiate the application for the employee at the request of the family.
Sick Bank Board of Directors
The District sick leave bank board of directors shall be the governing committee that shall approve or disapprove all requests. The board shall be composed of the following:
● two representatives from the elementary school (teachers, counselor, librarian)
● two representatives from the secondary school (grades 7- 12 teachers, counselor, school nurse)
● two representatives from food service, custodians, and paraprofessional staff (secretaries and aides)
● one representative from the administrative staff (principals, superintendent, business manager)
The administrative representative shall serve as chairman of the board and shall vote only in case of a tie. A board member shall serve a two-year term that will expire on September 30 of all even numbered years. Elections shall be held during the month of September of all even numbered years to elect new board members. A member may serve consecutive terms if elected. Only members of the bank shall be eligible to become board member shall elect a replacement that will serve for remainder of the term only.